
Event system for drop in support of plugin architecture.

View the Project on GitHub zumba/symbiosis

Symbiosis is a drop-in event driven plugin architecture.

The goal is to allow anyone to create a plugin structure for their existing code base using an event oriented system. The secondary benefit of using Symbiosis is that the event structure can be used apart from the plugin structure.

Latest Stable Version Build Status


PHP 5.3+


  1. Add as a composer dependency or install directly from composer.
  2. That's it!


  1. Run composer install --dev.
  2. Run phpunit.

Example Plugin



namespace \YourApp\Plugin;

use \Zumba\Symbiosis\Framework\Plugin,

class SamplePlugin extends Plugin {

  public function registerEvents() {
    EventManager::register('sample.someevent', function($event) {


Your application bootstrap


use \Zumba\Symbiosis\Plugin\PluginManager;

// Somewhere in your application bootstrap, load your plugins
    '/path/to/your/plugin/directory', // Path to where you stored your plugins
    'YourApp\Plugin'                  // namespace defined in your plugins (see example above)

Your application


use \Zumba\Symbiosis\Event\Event;

// Somewhere in your app, trigger plugins listening to event
$event = new Event('sample.someevent', array('ping' => 'pong'));


    [ping] => pong

Individual Event Registries

As of v1.2, event registries have been added to allow for separation of events. This allows for "namespacing" your event registries. The EventManager remains backwards compatible as now the EventManager creates a static instance of an EventRegistry. Since the event structure is loosly coupled in the Plugin architecture, this allows for namespacing your event registries per plugin.

Example Event Registry namespacing


$registry1 = new \Zumba\Symbiosis\Event\EventRegistry();
$registry2 = new \Zumba\Symbiosis\Event\EventRegistry();

$registry1->register('sample.someevent', function ($event) {
$registry2->register('sample.someevent', function ($event) {
    echo "Separate registry\n";

$event = new \Zumba\Symbiosis\Event\Event('sample.someevent', array('ping' => 'pong'));
// Prints: 
// Array(
//   [ping] => pong
// )

// Prints:
// Separate registry
// Array(
//   [ping] => pong
// )